Individual training sessions and talks
Concept To Cash
A quick overview of the process from the moment you conceptualise a new product, to the final stage when you bank the cash
Commercialising Innovation
There is a key difference in commercialising innovation compared to existing products. Understanding this key difference greatly improves your probability of success.
Meaningful Market Research
Market research is often outsourced or research reports about the industry are purchased. This is a mistake. The right approach to market research answers four key questions. You need the answer to these questions.
New Emerging Business Models
The world has seen the emergence of very innovative business models, just think about UBER and NETFLIX. We look at some examples of smart underlying business models to stimulate our thoughts.
Negotiating License Agreements
Any TTO needs to be able to negotiate license agreements. We look at the essential elements and various different ways of structuring royalty payments.
Opportunities Created by Open Innovation
Open innovation has thrown open the door to innovation needs identification, and innovation commercialisation. We look at ways to tap into this exciting emerging industry.
Business Plan Alternatives
A 70-page business plan is only interesting before you start the business, thereafter quickly discarded. We look at alternative ways to approach shorter fundraising, with more impact and more meaningful.